A Journey Towards the Infinite Absolute

A Journey Towards the Infinite Absolute

The book under review titled,’A Journey towards the Infinite Absolute’ is written in Tamil language by a retired professor mathematics, Mr M.Subbiah Doss.

Many mathematics professors, scholars have tried successfully in describing and measuring God with their mathematical stick.

We have Swami Ramathirtha who was a great advadic scholar as well as a mathematics professor.

In his eight volumes ‘In the Woods of God Realization’ we have beautiful mathematical analogies explaining God.

The great genius Ramanujan declared he does not believe any formula in which he could not see God.

The present work is also trying to measure the immeasurable things.

The book has three parts with eighteen chapters. Six chapters explain the various principles of spirituality with the help of simple mathematical principles.

Mandukya Upanishad explains the three dimensional world and four dimensional world

The ancient sages have discovered everything with their intuition. Even though the physical heart is on the left side of the body the spiritual heart is in the right side of the body.

When the author emphasize this point we remind ourselves about the saying of Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi, the sage of Arunachala, who also emphasized this point with his own experience.

The fourth dimension is always a curious subject. The great author J.W.Dunne(1875-1949) has explained it in his world famous book,’An Experiment with Time’.

The author explains three dimensional world and four dimensional world with many simple sketches.

Man is determined by his karma which in turn is due to his own thoughts. The next birth is determined by his own thoughts of previous birth, this birth and the balance one brings from previous karmas.

The ancient sages by their inner vision have seen the hexagonal symbol in the northern pole of the planet Saturn and arranged to carve it in the Saturn temples roof. Now the spacecraft Cassini sent by Nasa proves this by sending photos of Saturn.

After illustrating the above points the author narrates an incident from Sri Sathya SaiBaba’s divine life. Once a girl met Baba in the river Chitravathi at Puttaparthi, in Andhra Pradesh, India.Baba had taken a statue from the river. That was the statue which was worshipped by the girl’s grandfather. Including this statue everything is being saved as a thought form.

Living within the limits of Space and Time and Cause and Effect is one thing. In order to free from these things one has to choose the spiritual path.

To understand God, mathematics is a helpful tool.

All the above points are all very interesting. In 147 pages the author gives us a complete picture about the hitherto unexplained principles.

A fitting foreword has been given by R. Panneerselvam, a Scholar in his own rights.

Many quotes from Swami Vivekananda, Swami Yogananda, Swami Chitbavananda and Ramakrishna mutt sages makes the book interesting reading.

The book is neatly printed and I congratulate the author for his painstaking research.