Thousands of people around the world are wondering, “Is 2012 End of World real?”. There are hundreds of theories on the matter, but which ones are true. Will the earth really end on December 21, 2012? With all of these questions there are answers. This theory of the destruction of the earth stems from the translation of a Mayan calendar. The translation was performed by archeologists that studied the ancient Mayan temples and believe that they have the answers to the riddle that is the Mayan written language. These “experts” postulate the destruction of the Earth in 2012, but does that mean it is true?
Is 2012 end of world? There are many theories on what will happen in 2012. These theories are sorted and vary in severity. Some of the theories include what is called a polar shift, in which the geomagnetic poles reverse. However, a geomagnetic reversal takes millions of years to occur. This reversal would cause world wide storms and destruction. Other such doomsday theories include an alignment with a black hole that is in the center of the Milky Way galaxy that will rip the earth apart. The problem with that theory is that the Black hole is 30,000 light years away from earth and need to be about 6 million times closer to actually effect the planet. Another is that the Earth with collide with what is being called a planet meteor called Nibiru. This theory stems from a group of people that base their claims on the idea of them channeling an alien race that lives on the planet.
All of these doomsday theories allude to the end of the world by means that seem barely believable. Most of them have been refuted by astronomers and other scientists with NASA. And these frightening concepts stem from a calender that is hundreds of thousands of years old. The translation of the calender does not say specifically that the world will end. The concept began because the calender ended at a specific date, December 21, 2012, the end of the world. However, this may not be the case at all. Recently, a representative of the existing Mayan elders came forward to spread a new warning. Carlos Barrios, a historian, anthropologist, investigator, as well as a ceremonial priest, says that the translations are wrong and that the world is not going to end at all, rather, it will change.
According to Mr. Barrios, the Mayan elders have been studying the calender that supposedly gives this prophecy and sixteen others like it. He says that the only people that can read it correctly are the indigenous tradition keepers that know the full scope of the knowledge held in the calender. According to their accounts, the world is in a transition from one age to another. This “new age” will bring about a global understanding and peace will follow. That is not to say that there will not be devastation, but the world will heal itself and to do this, it will have to cleans itself of impurities on its surface. This does not mean that the world will end, but it will change for the better.
Is 2012 end of world? It is not necessarily something to fear. The Mayan calender is not complete, but that does not mean that the Mayan people anticipated a global catastrophe. It only means that the calender ended and probably needs to be reset. The idea that, all over the world, people are scared that the end is coming and so they are showing their families love when they have not for so many years is laughable. The concept that these same people are only showing signs of being human because they are afraid that they will not get into Heaven when 2012 comes is a poor statement of humanity. That it takes threat of death for us to enjoy and respect life is a sign of social ineptitude. We need to wake up and, as Carlos Barrios said, take action in our life, our world, our universe. If it ends, it will only be because we did not fight to save it.