What is education? Education is a process of learning new skills, knowledge and values. Education starts when we are still a baby in our mothers’ womb. Education never ends; it follows us until our very last breathe. Through education, we become a better person.
Teachers are provided to teach us. They are capable to teach us reading, writing, history, science and mathematics. Lessons are either taught in English or Malay in most educational institutions.
There are 4 common types of education:
1. Primary Education. Also known as Elementary School. Consisting about 5-7 years of studies, starting from the age of either 5 or 6; varies in countries. In some countries, this level of education is further subdivided into infant school and junior school.
2. Secondary Education. Also known as High School. Consisting of 5-6 years of studies; starting from the age of either 13 or 14.
3. Higher Education. Also known as Tertiary Education. A further level after completing secondary education to obtain certificates, diplomas, and academic degrees. Students continuing studies from varies colleges and universities worldwide, though some are done locally. In some institutions, students are given an internship in selected companies for real time training.
4. Adult Education. Working adults can continue their education even after leaving higher education. Students can apply Online Education; most common choice of education as students need not attend classes, instead all can be done through the Internet. Classes are conducted virtually.
However, teachers today are not capable enough to teach. Not all but some. Example, teachers who taught mathematics in one language may not be able to teach the subject in another language. This may cause burden to some teachers.
Not only that, some educational institutions are lacked of teaching materials and equipments including a proper library. Therefore, some students have difficulties to visualise the situation or object. And teacher may face the same problem too. So how can students put in more interest in study? The Ministry of Education, teachers and students should make an effort to come out with ideas to improve the current education system. Agree?